Creates a population.

createPopulation(experimentId, name, gates, terminalGateGid, parentId = NULL)



The ID of the experiment to which to add the population.


The name of the population.


The list of gates comprising the population. This should be in the form list(`$and` = c("gid1", "gid2")), where "gid1" and "gid2" are the Group IDs (gids) of the gates. Any combination of $and, $or, $not and $xor can be used; however, only populations with the form list(`$and` = c(...gates)) can be displayed in the Web UI at this time. Alternatively, this may be a JSON string (may be easier than constructing the correct R expression).


The Group ID (gid) of the gate that differentiates this population from its parent. Because complex populations that deviate from the list(`$and` = c(...gates)) form cannot currently be displayed in the Web UI, those populations may set this to NULL. In the future, this will be required to be a list of GIDs for those populations.


ID of the parent population. Use NULL for the "ungated" population.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
gid1 <- "59262d84b1a1fc1193f12b0e"
createPopulation(experimentId, "Singlets", list(`$and` = c(gid1)), gid1)
} # }