Updates the panel properties of an FCS file.

setFcsFilePanel(experimentId, fcsFileId, panelName, panel)



ID of experiment.


ID of FCS file.


Name of panel.


List of channel properties.


A panel must be specified as a list of lists. Each inner list must have at least channel and index properties, and may optionally have a reagent property.

The index value corresponds to the parameter index (i.e. the n in "$PnN" from the FCS file header). This property allows the list of channels to be in any order.

The channel value corresponds to the channel name. Channel names are used for matching channels between FCS files, gates, scales and compensations.

The reagent value is used for various displays, including plot axis labels, and is typically the reagent description (e.g. "CD3-PacBlu").

The panelName property is used to group files by panel.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
panel <- list(
  list("index" = 1, "channel" = "FSC-A"),
  list("index" = 7, "channel" = "Blue530-A", "reagent" = "CD3")
setFcsFilePanel(experimentId, fcsFileId, "Panel 1", panel)
} # }